Why Isn't My Faith Working
Nov 05, 2021Today I want to cover a pretty important question that some believers struggle with: Why isn’t my faith working? And many people focus on the scriptures where Jesus says on several occasions in the New Testament… “if you have the faith of a grain of mustard seed, you will be able to do this… you will be able to accomplish this and if you speak that into your heart those things will come to pass.” So often people that understand the Biblical power of faith and what faith can do because faith CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS. I have seen and experienced faith.
I recall one specific event that really exemplified this faith. There was a young couple at the church who had prayed for a baby, eventually they received their blessing from God. They laid him down for a nap and during that nap he rolled and got stuck between the bed and the wall and suffocated to death. When the paramedics came, they revived the baby, got him to the hospital and when they got there the news was that the baby was braindead.
The father of the baby had called me and the faith that rose up inside me told me to tell him that the child will live and not die. And I told him to repeat those words over the child, because they were words that were coming out of a gift of faith that the Holy Spirit had deposited. The father of the child went into the ICU and spoke those words and that baby was out of the hospital and fine in a matter of a day/day and a half. Faith is a powerful force and this is a powerful testimony.
So often we understand this and we know that Jesus said that when you pray, believe that you will receive those things and then you will have them. All of this surrounds and comes from a foundation of understanding faith.
Hebrews 11 says that we understand that the worlds were framed through faith. So once again, there's this idea of WHY ISN’T MY FAITH WORKING, RIGHT NOW? Let’s reference a verse in Hebrews 11:1 and it says that Faith is the substance of things hoped for and it goes on in the evidence of things not seen. I’m going to really focus on that opening phrase because so often we glance past it or overlook it. It says that Faith is the substance of things hoped for. In the amplified which expresses the verse a little bit differently, it says that Faith gives us the title deed to those things that we hope for.
There is the misconception around hope, we do not understand the power of faith. The word hope here is the Greek Elpis, which means confident expectation. It is what we are confidently expecting that our faith gives us the title deed to. Let me say it this way: Often the issue is not that your faith is broken or not working… The issue is that your faith is working and it is bringing the title deed to what you are internally confidently expecting.
How do I fix my confident expectation? How do I realign what I’m confidently expecting?
We go into depth in chapter two of our book and we talk about how at the point that you turn seven, 95% of your subconscious is wired about what you expect in your life. This includes what you expect in marriage, what you expect with finances, what you expect in life, what you expect in your faith. So once again, the issue is not that your faith is not working… the issue is that your faith is working and it is bringing to reality the title deed to whatever it is that you are confidently expecting.
So our challenge to you is to begin the process of knowing what it is that you are confidently expecting and that will cause a change in your life that we have seen now with so many people that they are now exponentially expecting greater things for themselves and are creating their best lives!
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