What are YOU Creating?

Feb 17, 2022

The concept is that He is going to give me exceedingly, abundantly above all I ask or think or imagine. What is it that He did? God told me to start creating now. Before this moment, I didn’t know I was creating. God stated that I would intentionally, every morning and every night, be in alignment with Him creating. He didn’t need to come down and miraculously start printing money… money from heaven would be counterfeit. We work in worldly currencies. So I had to make a change with God, He had to change my thinking.

So He began to, what He told me to do on a daily basis was to intentionally think in alignment with Him. What did I do every morning? I’m the head, not the tail, I would repeat while driving my piece of junk truck. Head, not the tail… I’m above only and never beneath. I’m a lender, not a borrower. My family is blessed, my children are blessed. My businesses are blessed, multiplication of my businesses are blessed. Everything I lay my hand on has prospered. He gives me the keys, He opens up the storefront, the windows at the right time to pour on rain cause increase in all things. Here I am saying this day after day and what started to change was my thinking. He told me something in that moment in that vision… He told me He was instructing me to speak Deuteronomy 28. He told me: Bill, my Word is powerful in your mouth as it is in mine.


I don’t care who you are, where you came from, where you are right now… God’s word is as powerful in your mouth as it is in His. And here’s what is powerful to do - The Bible says to be renewed in the spirit of your mind and it says I have the mind of Christ. I have a choice to be carnally minded or spiritually minded. YOU HAVE A CHOICE EVErY MORNING. Are you going to cooperate with the mind of Christ? Or are you going to cooperate with the carnal mind? Which of these are you going to follow? And to be carnally minded is DEATH, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. And the latter is the God kind of life. THE WAY HE HAS IT FOR YOU.

And I became disciplined in my thinking. I was a man of power and faith. I’d learned about faith. I’d learned faith in what I spoke out of my mouth. I had learned that what I had not learned was Hebrews 11:1.

The Triumphs of Faith - Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things.

Faith gives me the substance of what I’m confidently expecting. What I hope for. Where do confident expectations come from? It comes from the mind. In the psalms, David says, Hope in the Lord, oh my soul, what hope/confident expectation is a fruit of your mind. Faith is a fruit of the spirit and hope is a fruit of the mind. And that is why both of them are not more important than the other. They are of the exact same importance because you cannot go anywhere in the spirit without your mind…

There was this guy, he had gotten into this weird theology that he didn’t have to pay for the consequences of his sin because his flesh did the sinning, but he was just spiritual. He was traveling through this little town in the south and he was speeding like crazy. And that led to him being pulled over and the policeman said, Hey man, you’re doing 80 in a 55. And he tells the police man, No, no it wasn’t me. It was my flesh. Could you imagine being that police officer? Then the officer says, I’m writing you a ticket. And the guy refuses to accept it because he says it was his flesh that did it. So he ends up in jail because he is willing to fight this. They end up in court in front of a judge. The judge has him explain himself. Totally weird case, right. He tells the judge, You know my flesh is the bad part, but I am really the spirit. And my spirit is good. Get this… The judge says, Okay, I’m sentencing your flesh to 30 days and I’m fining your spirit 10,000 dollars for keeping bad company. That’ll fix that bad theology.

Your spirit is critical but your soul is what is going to determine. I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul… so the repetition I did day after day after day. Joshua 1:8 says meditate in my word day and night and you’re going to be prosperous. Who is? You? God? Who is going to make you prosperous? YOU ARE. Because you are a creator in His house. That comes from Psalm 82. He says You are gods, elohim (Hebrew translation - this was the word used to talk about God when He created the heavens and the earth). And He has called you creators. And you have been creating every day of your life. The change up is do YOU want a different outcome than what YOU have been creating? Do you want to create YOUR best life?

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