Is This All For Me?

Jun 23, 2021

Hi, I’m Bill Walton, Founder of And today we’re going to be talking about a question that often arises for Followers of Christ:

Is this all there is for me?

You know, many of us hit walls in our lives. We hit obstacles. We hit issues that sometimes make us begin to question. Is where I am at in my life right now, is that the full reality for me? Is this my financial lot in life? Is this the way my marriage is going to be forever? Is this the way things are going to be in my life in all these different areas?

Is this all there is for me? That’s the question we want to take on today and to answer that I want to take you to a time in my life, in my early twenties, where that exact question came up. It caused me to realize that within myself, I had come to a place of questioning.


Beloved, I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.

            3 John 2

And my question started coming in… Look, this is where I’ve hit, is this what my life’s going to be? It took me to a place on my knees one morning and I said, “Lord, I really believe that you have more for me. I believe that my best life is still ahead of me, but I’m missing it. I feel like I’m knocking on this door of success and knocking on the door of answered prayer, knocking and knocking… and it is just not opening. I know, Father, the problem is not on your end. It is on my end somewhere. Please show me where I’m missing it.”

The next thing that happened changed my destiny. It changed my family’s destiny and through creating your best, I believe it’s going to change your destiny as well. What happened in that moment is as I came out of my body, I saw myself lying there on the ground, praying. I looked around and what I saw were of all things: Bored Angels. One in particular really caught my attention because he had his arms crossed and he was kind of leaning to the side, and looked incredibly bored. And I know for any of you that have ever had a moment like that in the spirit. What’s interesting is when you do into the spirit, you know what you are seeing and why you are seeing it.

The one angel that I saw in particular, I knew in his mind, in his heart, he was saying, “God, please reassign me from this guy. I’m so bored. I don’t know what to do, this guy has given me nothing to do.” It shocked me to the core of who I am. Here’s the moment in time that I’d finished college, I had started my first business and I’m thinking, Hey, I’m rolling here. I am getting things started and bored angels… like why would I see that? And He shows me bored angels and that began a 20-plus-year study and research of the success principles that are in this world, put here by God. All that research has led to Creating Your Best Life and everything that we’re wanting to pout into you.

God found me so incredibly important that He has given me angels to be a part of my everyday life. How does that work in my success? What does that have to do with, Is this it for me? Well, what he showed me in that moment was there is inner programming and the way that I thought of myself, saw myself… all of these things He really needed to rework and change. He needed me to see how important I was to His Kingdom, to see how important I was to accomplish certain things that He had given me angels. Just like He has given angels to you; you need to ask yourself if they are bored. 

He began to walk me through methodically. What does God teach about angels? Hebrews chapter one, it says they are ministering spirits for those that are heirs of salvation. I’d always understood that they were there to minister to me, to protect me… but it says minister for us that are heirs of salvation. Here we are in this place, we have inherited all that God has for us and angels are a critical aspect of us actually accomplishing those tasks.

Well, why were my angels bored?

He changed something in me that day, He told me every morning and every night to speak Deuteronomy 28, the first 13 verses. Deuteronomy 28 is the explanation for you of the blessing of God. It says you'll be blessed in the city. You'll be blessed in the field. You'll be blessed in the basket. You'll be blessed in the store, your businesses, your family, all of these things were blessed, right? Well, as I began to speak that over my life, over my family, over my business, something began to change.

And as we go farther into, you're going to understand what needed to change inside of me had so much to do with the way I saw myself. Well, what was I speaking over my life? Typically nothing, I'd wake up in the morning. Probably most likely like you do; get some coffee, think about the day. My mind typically went to the problems of the day and what I was going to do. What God taught me instead was to begin to speak His Word, His blessing over my life, family and business.

There's a scripture in Psalms that says that angels will only harken to the voice of God. And when I began to speak His word of my life, my family and businesses, angels began to go forth. And in 90 days, right around 90 days, I started getting phone calls:

Hey Bill, I don’t know how I heard of you, but can you come and do this? And can you come and do that?

And my business went from stagnant, not going anywhere to GROW with clients. And within a few years, all of those people who I used to try to get work from were now working for me. This is the power of us understanding who we are, understanding how critical you are to the Kingdom of God that He has give His angels charge over you and it is for you to put them to work. And the way you do that is through speaking His Word. I hope this has been beneficial for you. You can go to for more information just like this!

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