Is There a Biblical Formula For Success

Aug 12, 2021

Today we are going to be talking about a question that I get a lot, “Bill, is there a Biblical formula for success?” And within this formula, what is step on, step two, step three, step four? In our book, Creating Your Best Life, we go into depth answering these questions and many more. But today we’re going to just talk about the Biblical formula. We talked about earlier in some of my other blogs about the idea of success and is it God’s will for us to succeed. Yes, and once that’s answered, we are ready to move onto the formulas in the Bible that surround success and success principles.

I have studied the work that has gone into, it has been almost 25 years of research. I have followed some of the most successful business leaders, spiritual leaders and combined these works into Creating Your Best. And what I found is there are commonalities across all these spectrums of people who walk out success in their lives. And all these commonalities come back to Biblical principles.

What are some of these Biblical principles? One we talked about in the last segment was the Blessing of Abraham. Deuteronomy chapter 28, the first 13 verses talk and explain what is… You will be blessed in the city. You will be blessed in the field. You’ll be blessed coming in. You will be blessed going out. YOur business will be blessed, now of course it was the land and the cattle back then, but it meant your business and livelihood. And your children will be blessed and so on.

Let’s talk about what the definition of the word blessed is because there is a lot of Christianese that we throw around. Blessed, what does it mean? It means to have the power to prosper. When you are reading the word blessed in any area of the scripture, it means God gives you the power to prosper. Your family will have power to prosper your savings, your investments, which all we were, we're going to be going into in creating your best right investments in ideas around that savings.

Everyone has the power to prosper around them. You might ask, what is the disconnect? If this blessing is mine, then how do I begin to see the impact of it? I am going to take you back to when I first asked that question to the Lord. I said Lord, where am I missing it? I know this is what your Word says, but I’m here and it’s there; almost out of reach. And the Lord said, Bill, if morning and every night you speak Deuteronomy 28, the first 13 verses will change for you.

As I began to change and personalize those first 13 verses, I changed them to fit me. Instead of saying you will be blessed, I said I will be blessed. I’m blessed in the city. I’m blessed in the field. I’m blessed in the basket. I’m blessed in the store. My businesses are blessed. My children are blessed. My family is blessed. What I put my hand to, He prospers. He blesses. I’m a lender not a borrower.

When I first began speaking this over my life, I was driving around in an 82 white Chevy pickup beater of a truck that my in-laws were so gracious to buy for my wife, because we couldn’t pay our bills. I felt so bad for us that they bought this truck and I was driving around saying, I’m the head and not the tail. I’m above only and I am never beneath. I was speaking these things very contrary to what reality was in that moment: what I was seeing. I was saying I’m a lender and not a borrower and you know what? I had no money in my bank account. How could I, how could that be possible.

The first step in understanding and absorbing the blessing of God is that you’ve got to take that by faith. You have to begin to personalize and speak that over your life, your family, and your business. Is there a formula? Yes, there is a formula. It begins by understanding God’s will for us, then us applying it.

James says this about your tongue. He says it is the rudder of the ship of your life. It’s like a bridle in the horse’s mouth. Well, how did I begin to turn my ship with my words? As I began to speak every day, I am the head and not the tail, above only and never beneath… What began to happen was activation of what I was speaking.

 Now, 20 years after that, I have learned and put so many pieces together, but the foundation of this formula comes from a deep understanding that it's God’s Will to bless you. And that your participation is so critical in creating your best life.

 Come back next week and we will take on another portion of the Biblical Formula for Success.

it's God's will to bless you. And your participation is so critical in creating your best life tune. In next week, we're going to, we're going to talk this, we're going to take on the second portion of this. Is there a formula of success building on what we talked about today?

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