Is it God's Will for Me to Succeed

Jul 06, 2021

As the founder of, I am going to talk to you about a very common question that believers pose: is it God’s will for me to succeed?

 We are going to cover this in a couple of parts because there’s a lot to talk about when we cover a topic that broad. We’ll start out with a question back to you, which can help you to at least get on the right track. 

Do you have children (or if you don’t, maybe in the future or imagine if you did) would you want for your child to succeed in life? Would you want him or her to have a successful marriage, successful business, a successful career, great health? Whatever the case may be, is that what you would desire for them?

We know the answer for people as a whole would be, “Yes of course I do.” Of course, there are some very odd characters outside of the norm, but most would say “YES!”

We can start with the understanding because in the New Testament several times, Jesus says, “You know, if you were to ask your father for a fish, is he going to give you a serpent? Or if you ask for bread, is he going to give you a stone?” And he said something so powerful. He said, “How much more, if you, being evil, want to give good gifts to your children? How much more does your Heavenly Father want to give good gifts to you?” That's kind of the heartbeat of it that we understand God's choice and will in His plan for us to succeed.

This one Christmas, I was at a business dinner that we have partners come in for and my wife, Nathalie and I were sitting at a table with an employee that had just been hired that year and his wife. I hadn’t met him yet and we started to have a conversation. It came out that he was Jewish, a believer. We started talking about different topics as it related between Judaism and Christianity, you know all that. And we got to a point in the conversation where I asked him,

To a Jewish Brother, who grew up in the faith who really studies the scriptures and follows them… Is it God’s will and choice for you to succeed or not? Within Christainity, this is a huge question especially in career, business, monetarily, physically… in whatever way. And he looked across the table and said, “Bill, that is never, ever a topic of question within the Jewish faith. Once it is known that they call it, they have it… is what I have in my pocket an insurance policy for my success and I have it everywhere I go, every business venture, in everything in life. No matter what I’m doing I know I have an insurance policy in my pocket for success and it is called the Blessing of Abraham.”

I’m so fascinated by this point. Then I say, “Okay, wait. Now, tell me about that.”

“From the time we are first born, we are taught that we have the blessing of Abraham in our life. So it is never a question of whether or not we succeed. I’m going to be carrying that blessing of God, that insurance policy with me wherever I go in life and therefore I will succeed,” he tells me.

We started then to talk about the disconnect sometimes within the Christian faith and then the Jewish faith and how their children are taught.

Here’s a scripture that a lot of people don’t understand or maybe they haven’t quite grasped, yet.

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.” He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.
            Galatians 3:13-14

So that’s all of us who are not in the Jewish faith, that the blessing of Abraham, that insurance policy can come onto us. And the conversation continued, we got into some deeper aspects of it, but I want to start by really reinforcing for you that you’re programmed if you will and 90% of your programming is done by age seve. I go into this a lot in Creating Your Best Life. And I go into detail on how study after study teaches that by age seven; you are deeply programmed to what you believe about money, success, and everything. But let me tell you something else that’s deeply programmed often is God’s will for you to succeed. God’s Will for you; what’s His desire for you?

So often we have to get our mind renewed to what God says about us. And it’s why in the last blog if you remember, I taught how when I was first learning these issues, God showed me bored angels and taught me to speak Deuteronomy 28, which the first 13 verses are the blessing of Abraham. It’s the explanation of this blessing that is in our lives.

I rehearsed the blessing of Abraham over my life again and again, I’m the head and not the tail, I’m above only and I’m not beneath, I’m a lender and not a borrower. Everything I put my hand to, he blesses and prospers. Now what did that begin to do? It began to reprogram my life, because I grew up like many of you in churches that taught you there’s times God does not want you to succeed financially or there’s times that you will not walk out your best life, because He doesn’t want you to. This is simply not the truth.

The Truth is that you have the Blessing of Abraham on your life. We will continue this conversation over the next few weeks. We are going to talk about a chapter in the Bible that He refers to as the co-creator chapter. So make sure you are ready to jump on and read about the co-creating chapter and how that plays into God’s will for you and I to succeed!

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