How Do I Have A Greater Impact

Dec 02, 2021

So the question this week is HOW DO I MAKE A GREATER IMPACT? In some cases, that question might be phrased differently; How do I make a greater eternal impact? I want to address this because I think most of you, whether you are people of faith or not; agnostic or maybe atheist or whatever. I believe at the core of all of us, we have a desire to make a greater impact. We want to make a greater impact for the good we want and we want our lives to benefit those around us. And often we get to a place where we sit down and think about our lives and where they’re at… and they might just say this is it; this is what I have to offer. Maybe it is a bit of their businesses, their finances, and other areas of their lives. This topic relates to creating your best life… because you are not stuck where you are at, it is all about how do you go from where you are at right now to the place of creating your best life?

And what I want to address is that this really has to do with who we are as a person. It comes down to our core and who we really are. Ask yourself, is that a core value for me? And if this is accurate of you, how do you put that into a place where you can begin to create your best life? In our book we walk through the idea of building your best life blueprint. If you have ever built a house, had a remodel done… you know that there is the process of drawing up the blueprint. And once the blueprint is created then those that are doing the work can build based off of the blueprint.

Listen to me friends, you know your life right now at this moment has been built based on a blueprint whether you know it or not. For most of us, it was over 90% established by the age seven. The Jesuits have an expression, give me a boy until they’re seven, I’ll show you the man. Scientists have found that our subconscious, the baseline of which governs the way we respond and what we expect to happen in our lives, is set by age seven. The blueprint, belief system, the words you speak, what you think about yourself right now has gone and been created based on that blueprint that created the life you are living right now.

IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE, you need to address the blueprint. If you want to increase your outcome of being a greater benefit to those around you, making an eternal impact… YOU NEED TO ADDRESS THE BLUEPRINT. So ask yourself the question, do I believe I can make a substantial difference in the world? You might think, well with my current situation, no. But think, do you have that in you to make a greater impact? Do you believe that about yourself? Do you believe what God said, greater is He that is in you and me, than that in the world? Is my identity aligned with what God says about me? He says, I am the salt on this planet meant to preserve and change things. And the bigger question is my belief system aligned with what God says about me or is my foundation, blueprint, established on things that have been spoken to me?

No. You can’t do this.

You’re not going to accomplish this.

You can’t do that.

Or is your blueprint built on past failure that keeps you limited in your impact on those around you?

Here’s my answer to the question is that you can be and make a greater impact but it starts with the work of redeveloping your blueprint. And as your blueprint gets redeveloped and you learn how to do the creation sequence… that can also be found in chapter seven of the book… that helps you create your best life, which includes making a greater impact on the world around you.

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