Can I Really Change The Way I Think?
Jan 13, 2022As the authors of Creating Your Best Life, one of the persistent questions we have received through social media has been: Can I really change the way I think? Is it really possible? And I would have to say, ABSOLUTELY. Yes. And also, it is a must. If you’re really going to create your best life, it is critical that you change or alter thought patterns that have created the life that you are living that you may not be satisfied with. Or that you don’t believe is the best it can be… You don’t believe this is your best life.
There are thought patterns and thought processes that attribute to your life, Proverbs 27 is a Biblical Truth that I have found as a cornerstone. And that is true of both believers and non-believers that I studied for over the past two decades. Those that have been most successful in influencing their surroundings in every case that I found, centered onto this one idea that their thought life was central to who they became and who they were going to become. That is a Biblical truth which can be found in Proverbs 27. It says, as a man thinks, so is he. And that is talking about mankind in general.
I find so much truth in it, I often find myself responding in conversation, you’re right, after they tell me all their beliefs. And it is true because as a man or woman thinks, so they are. But back to our question, is it possible for me to change the way I think… YES. A resounding yes. But it is also very critical to understand that YOUR thoughts create based on what you think and your thoughts about you matter because that is what you become. It is important to understand this, there is so much power in your thoughts about multiple topics, we go over this in chapter two and three of Creating Your Best Life.
And it is also important to understand the foundation of our thoughts, before a child reaches the age of seven they operate in a mental wavelength called theta and it is really intentionally set there by God to program the subconscious. The Jesuits have an expression: give me a boy until they are seven and I will show you the man. And that is really allowing for the programming of their subconscious… It is there where their thoughts are formed about money, marriage, life, their languages, what is appropriate social skills, and other things like cultural norms. Just think about it, if people grew up in a volatile home, they might think marriage is very difficult and decide they would rather stay away from that, causing them to self-sabotage relationships and not be fully aware of it. BECAUSE of their subconscious programming.
And changing the way you think is a must. And you must understand that so much of this came into play before the age of seven. Experts say that it is responsible for over 90% of the automatic decisions we make and some go as high as 95%. So how do I get in there and change my thinking?
I love how the scriptures say that my mind must be renewed, specifically in Romans. I also love how in 3 John verse 2, Beloved, I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health, even as your soul, which sonsitiurs your mind, you will and your emotions, even as your soul prospers you mind prospers, and that’s going to bring prosperity into our lives. And that’s not just monetary prosperity. That’s relational… it is in all the various areas in our lives, but it is interesting that in 3 John 2, it says it is going to happen when our thought life changes.
So first I must first and foremost understand the basis of thought and where did those subconscious thoughts come from. And it came from this time where I was highly programmed by my surroundings that really built in these ideas in my mind. And then from age seven going on, most people just reinforce what they were taught in that time period creating these patterns of thoughts that inevitably lead us where our thought patterns take us. What we are thinking about relationships, money, business, debt, God… ALL these things and more are built in by age seven. Can we change the way we think? YES. But first you must understand where your thoughts came from. Next segment we will go into HOW to CHANGE those thought patterns so that YOU CAN CREATE YOUR BEST LIFE.
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