Bible & Science

Oct 28, 2021

Hey, today we are going to address a hot button topic with creating your best life and that is What does the Bible and science say about these types of things? You know, often what we find is there is a conflict between the Bible and science in most people’s minds. But what’s interesting is more and more science is catching up with the BIble. And so one of the chapters in out book, Creating Your Best Life covers that more in depth and shows that through science what the Bible says and teaches about creation is absolutely true.

What area of science does the Bible come in? I want to tell you something that as they have developed quantum physics, they’re finding more and more of the physicists as they develop and go further and deeper into this particular realm of science… they are coming to the knowledge of God. They are coming to know God. So many statements in so many studies have confirmed this and the papers and knowledge from a vast majority have confirmed the realization that God and the Bible are true and correct.

There is one particular verse in the beginning of the Bible in Genesis where God creates the heavens and the earth. We are all very familiar with this one. And then we know that on the first day He created light. We know that was what was created… and this is what’s very interesting, three days later he creates the sun and the stars. And for centuries that was highlighted as a contradiction in the Bible and people would say it is not accurate because He created light and then those things in the sky that “create” light on a regular basis were created days later. So Moses, who is the author of Genesis, must have been mistaken.

Now what we understand as they dive more into quantum physics, they understand that light is literally at the foundation of creation. One of the earliest scientists that opened up the area of quantum physics by the name of Plank, in the early 19 hundreds discovered these little packets of light at the foundation of everything that is created and called it quanta. Which quanta as you can imagine is where the name quantum physics came from. So what they have learned and proven is that at the foundation of everything is light.

Isn’t that fascinating. And here’s something else, this is one of the reasons why this will become so relevant is that our eyes are only able to see 3% of the light spectrum. So that means 97% of light frequencies our natural eye doesn’t catch. So sunlight is part of that 3% and the other 97% of light is outside of our spectrum of view which comes from the study and knowledge of quantum physics and that the basis of everything created is light.

When God first said, let there be light and then days later He created the visible light… WHAT did He do in the beginning? He created the foundation of creation. I am going to say that again: HE CREATED THE FOUNDATION OF CREATION. In addition to that He set in motion the rules that govern creation.

And when we search out and find how creation works, that God’s word teaches us how, He set this river, this bedrock of creation for all of us to utilize. Once we understand that, then we understand how creation works because what He did first was create the foundation for all of creation. And after that He spoke and created the animals, He spoke and created the plants, He spoke… His words created.

It went into the creation foundation and out of that flows those same rules of creation that in over 20 years of research, this is the bedrock understanding for people who operate the rules of creation, the rules of success… they spend their time thinking about what they spent, time speaking, what they have intentionally gone after and creation has followed it. And the same rules apply to you today.

In the end, Bible and science… What does it have? It has a lot in common. And when we understand the bedrock of it, it is going to help us to understand the discipline… And that is going to help us understand the discipline of Creating Your Best Life!

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