Is There A Biblical Formula For Success Part 2

Aug 30, 2021

Is there a biblical formula for success? We are discussing the second part today. In our first part, we talked about the Blessing of Abraham in Deuteronomy 28 and how the first 13 verses really breaks that down. And we touched on how that is integrated into a formula of success for you and for me. I explained the vision that I had going back into my early twenties that launched this 20-plus year process of researching the laws of success, studying the incredible men and women of business (Rockefeller, Dale Carnegie, and many others), studying the incredible spiritual leaders who are on the forefront of teaching people to succeed in life.

And I’ve seen the fruit in their lives; men such as Dr. Bill Winston, David Oyedepo in Lagos, Nigeria. In studying these men and women, we’ve found an underlying and overlapping principles that they all live by to help them create their best lives. And that’s really what the idea of was created to help equip you so that you can begin to create your best life.

One of those habits is the habit of speaking over their lives, their families, their businesses, and specifically in the areas of Deuteronomy 28, speaking the Blessing of the Lord (or as my Jewish brother says, the insurance policy in your pocket), that is the understanding and success that is what you have right now.

What I want to share with you in this part is the “WHY.” I am a guy who wants to know the “why” all the time. So when the Lord taught me to speak Deuteronomy 28 over my life, my family, and my business…  I saw the fruit of it within 90 days. And pretty soon we ended up where our business went from not being able to pay its bills to exceeding and excelling. And within a few years we were having people that I, personally, used to get work from who were now working for me. And here we are many years later living in the Caribbean, have multiple businesses and are really able to pour back into the Kingdom of God in the way that God wants us to. All that fruit is there, but I want to know why and I really wanted to understand why.

It all comes down to a little word: hope. Now many of you may get confused around hope and what does it have to do with the Biblical Formula of Success? Let’s break that down a little bit. The natural usage of hope can be found in phrases like, I hope to win the lottery, I hope that the Steelers win the Super Bowl, or I hope somehow the Cincinnati Bengals actually do something this year… and we could keep going with the typical use of hope in the English language. And it is not the Biblical word for hope. The Greek word for hope is elpis… and you are going to see me use that word over and over again.

It is critical to our success. In Hebrews 1:11, says Now faith gives us the substance of the things we are hoping for. It’s the evidence of things not seen. I love the amplified version, it says, Our faith will actually give us the title deed to what it is that we are hoping for. And once again, this word hope, the definition is so critical. Hope is not: I hope to win the lottery. The actual Greek word, elpis means to have confident expectation.

I challenge you as you read through these verses to keep in mind the meaning of confident expectation. I want you to take out the word hope and replace it with confident expectation because that is the definition we need to work with. Let’s take Hebrews 11:1, where it talks about how the world was created and the men and women who create amazing things in their lives based on the understanding of these principles.

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith will give me the title deed to what it is that I am confidently expecting.

Many of you have asked for years, why is my faith not working? What am I missing? I am going to surprise you: your faith is still working. The problem is that your faith is bringing you what you are confidently expecting. What are you confidently expecting?

But before we get fully into that, by the time a child reaches age seven, most of their programming of what to expect about finances, relationships, their intelligence, etc is 90% of it is set in concrete in their minds. Then for the rest of your life, you live off of that confident expectation.

Many of you have learned and studied, 3 John 2:
            Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health [physically], just as [I know] your soul prospers [spiritually].

God wants you to succeed, right? But it seems like you keep on living in the same cycle of things where success is not happening; in your business, in your relationships, in the rest of your life. The problem is not your faith. The problem is that your faith is working. It is continuing to bring you what you’re confidently expecting.

If the problem is with what you are expecting, how do you begin to rewire what you are confidently expecting? One of the greatest ways of doing that is rehearsing the Blessing of the Lord; personalizing it over your life, your family, your business, and your every day! I am the head and not the tail, I am above only and never beneath, I’m a lender and not a borrower… and doing this consistently and constantly.

As I continue to share with you, we are going to get more in depth on how to change your inner confident expectation because that is a start on your path to creating YOUR best life.

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